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function ccchangeitem(itval){
var aval = itval.split("||");
var faction = 'https://www.anglerschoicetackle.com/cart/add/' + aval[1] + '/';
var invmsg = '';
var removeorderbtn = 0;
if(aval[0] != '1'){
if(aval[4] > 0){
invmsg = ' In stock (' + aval[4] + ')';
if(aval[5] == 'indicator'){
invmsg = ' Available for Backorder';
invmsg = ' Out of stock';
removeorderbtn = 1;
if(aval[0] == '1'){
$('#pprice').html("starting: $" + aval[2]);
$('#pmainimglink').attr("href",aval[3].replace("/400x400x2", ""));
if(aval[0] != '1'){
$('#pprice').html("$" + aval[2]);
$('#pmainimglink').attr("href",aval[3].replace("/400x400x2", ""));
if(removeorderbtn == 1){
if(aval[5] == 'indicator' && aval[4] > 0){
$("#caddtocartbtn>span").html(" ADD TO CART");
$("#caddtocartbtn>span").html(" ADD TO CART");