 Item #DescriptionDimensionsPocketsPriceQuantity 
\"FathomBG01SM4PKBLKFathom Offshore BG01SM4PKBLK Lure Bag 4 Pocket Small22 in Long x 12 in Wide4
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\"FathomBG01SMBLKFathom Offshore BG01SMBLK Lure Bag 6 Pocket Small32 in Long x 12 in Wide6
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\"FathomBG01MDBLKFathom Offshore BG01MDBLK Lure Bag 6 Pocket Medium44 in Long x 15 in Wide6
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\"FathomBG01LGBLKFathom Offshore BG01LGBLK Lure Bag 6 Pocket Large44 in Long x 20 in Wide6
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\"FathomBG03SMBLKFathom Offshore BG03SMBLK Single Pocket Lure Bag6 in Tall x 14 in Wide1
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\"FathomBG04LGBLKFathom Offshore BG04LGBL Spreader Bar Bag Large 10in x 37in10 in Tall x 37 in Wide1
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